Location map for Chain Reaction Square Dance Club


Directions to Samlesbury War Memorial Hall PR5 0UY

From the M6 motorway, leave at Junction 31.

Travel east on the A59/A677, towards Clitheroe/Blackburn.

Get into the right-hand lane before the traffic lights at the end of the dual carriageway, (about 2 miles).

** Keep right and go right round the roundabout, back on to the road you have just left (the A59), then turn left at the traffic lights after the service station, on to the

B6230 signposted to Walton-le-Dale.

The War Memorial Hall is 200 yards on the right.

Google Maps

In Google Maps, enter Samlesbury War Memorial Hall and then click the Directions button.

The Google Maps  Plus Code location for the hall is Q97V+R7 Preston




Chain Reaction American Square Dance Club meets on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoons to dance the ‘A’ and ‘C’ levels of American Square Dance.

Chain Reaction SDC Advanced and Challenge Levels, Samlesbury War Memorial Hall, Curedale Lane, Preston PR5 0UY